Start here.
So what's the big deal? Who cares about the size of your penis, and why should you? If it's such a huge issue, check out this link and come back here in five minutes. If you're worried about pleasing a woman, is the size of the trouser snake really the key?
I don't mean to be entirely glib. I know your pain. The difference is that in 1996 I thought my situation was hopeless, and you have all the evidence you could ask for that penis enlargement's not only possible, but common these days. You also have an incredible amount of support available on forums like Thundersplace. If your diminutive dick bothers you enough to start doing silly things like pulling on it or strapping weights to it, then at least take a little time to sort out where this obsession comes from.
- When did you first think your penis was 'too small?'
- Who has said your dick is small? (If so, did they say it to hurt you?)
- Are there occasions when it's been a physical, not just mental, problem?
- How would you behave differently if your penis size didn't bother you?
Can you recall specific people and incidents that have made you feel bad (intentionally or not) because of this? If so, you've got some work to do. Write each incident on a small piece of paper, perhaps with codes and initials (no need to add insult to injury if someone else reads them).
Now focus on those feelings and memories, one by one. You won't make memories go away, but you can get rid of the pain, which is your reaction to the memory. I highly recommend the Sedona Method, but for now let's just to some slow, deep breathing..
Breathing in, say "I love and accept myself exactly as I am."
Breathing out, think "I choose to release my anxiety about...[specific memory or feeling]" or "I choose to forgive _____ for (whatever they said/did). This memory no longer determines how I feel about myself."
Keep going until you can feel your burden lightening. Then symbolically get rid of the paper. Burn it, or flick it into the trash can.
It's not a one time process: another day you might still feel the same pain, but perhaps a little less. Repeat the exercise. You'll feel lighter and freer until poof! - the issue is gone.
No one can make you feel bad, or good. That's your choice, your response to a situation. Make that choice consciously, and positively, and it will help you in all aspects of your life. Breathe in, accept. Breathe out, release.
Now, before you join the world of penis pullers, measure your member.
I recommend you avoid un-fermented soy products. Evidence linking soy consumption to childlike adult penises and male breasts appears largely single-sourced, but I'd definitely think twice before feeding your family - and especially your son - soy products. Unfortunately, soy is in virtually every manufactured food 'product.' Eat real food - see The 2-hour body.