Again extending the Drumstick concept by focusing on their application as a jelqing device with the handy moniker of Jelq Sticks, here Tom details an improved construction.
Drumsticks as a hanging device are also extended as a concept into the AFB Hanger. This hanger has been used by many people in various forms to hang extreme weights, and here Tom demonstrates hanging 30 lbs.
The AFB concept, design, and use is covered in detail. Tom's first penis enlargement videos show the use of the AFB hanger from start to finish with Led Zeppelin in the background.
This site also covers the construction of the Ball Zinger. This device has been copied and sold commercially, renamed, and hyped, but the original design for this homemade Blakoe Ring was first published in this version of Tom's site. It is also the forebear of the $0.02 Ball Zinger variant created in 2004.