Hanging should never be the first penis enlargement technique tried. Though it may seem simple in concept to hang a not insubstantial weight from the penis and gradually stretch it over time, it requires a good level of knowledge to hang for penis enlargement safely, and this means a fair amount of research before any attempt to actually hang is made. There is a potential for long-term or permanent injury from hanging and this is particularly evident amongst those new to the techniques involved and unable to judge the risks effectively.
This manual contains a number of hanging resources, covering both techniques and construction of hanging devices. Hanging covers techniques involved from wrapping onwards. There is also a video explaining video explaining wrapping in depth and another showing hanging using a bib hanger though the technique translates to other hangers.
Hanging should never exceed 20 minutes in a session, due to a risk of cell necrosis. Hangers will often spend 10 hours a week hanging in multiple sets to gain enlargement. Typically sessions in a set will decrease in duration as the set advances due to reaching the fatigue point earlier in each set.
There are many different types of Hanger, from those like the AFB, The Captn's Wench, and the Bib Hanger which use a grip behind the glans, to Vaccuum devices which could maybe be considered a cross between the concepts of swimcap hanger and a penis pump, using a vacuum to stay in place.